10th – 15th October 2022
South Africa

Endorsed by:

Keynote Speakers

Christopher Golden

Assistant Professor of Planetary Health and Nutrition

Global Fishery Declines and the Fate of Human Nutrition

Cornelia E. Nauen

President Mundus maris - Sciences and Arts for Sustainability

Gender and Ocean – recognition of women's roles in fisheries as a building block for sustainable living with the ocean

Nick Graham

Royal Society Research Fellow and a Professor

Lessons from coral reef devastation, reorganisation, and recovery

Jean-Louis Weber

International Consultant

Towards Ecological Stewardship Based on Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting

Sam Dupont

Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Marine Eco-Physiology

A taste of Ocean Acidification

V N Attri

Chair of the Indian Ocean Studies (CIOS) of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), University of Mauritius.

Sustainable and Inclusive Blue Economy Paradigm: Developments at Global, Regional and National Level

Rashid Sumaila

Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit.

Why Africa should be at the forefront of the fight to eliminate harmful subsidies at the WTO

Dr. Nelly Isigi Kadagi

Director, Education for Nature Program and Conservation Leadership World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Shaping the Future of Ocean Science and Leadership Capacity in the WIO

Prof. Kerry Sink

Marine Programme Manager and Principal Scientist, South African National Biodiversity Institute

Science communication for ocean management, protection and science-policy decision making

Christopher R. Whyte

Director, African Circular Economy Network (ACEN)

The Challenge of Marine Plastic Litter: Circular Economy Solutions